Common issues that keep you under 1,000 subscribers

what if your doing everything right, thumbnails, tittle, description, tags, 108060fps....and you still don't see any major changes? how are we supposed to attract todays audience that to be honest won't care about channels below a certain amount of subs?
yea it's looks silly that having a big amount of subs would get ur viewers to hit sub but it's a fact and u gotta deal with it.
Don't expect to see many changes in short time, keep growing ur channel the way u r doing now and after while u would feel the sucess for sure.

just don't give up and keep going.
yea it's looks silly that having a big amount of subs would get ur viewers to hit sub but it's a fact and u gotta deal with it.
Don't expect to see many changes in short time, keep growing ur channel the way u r doing now and after while u would feel the sucess for sure.

just don't give up and keep going.
the road to get attention is a tough one now a days, and yes it's so easy to give up specially when it's so tough to grow
So I'm having trouble getting views and subscribers, every video I upload now just gets less views and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I just really need some help. I thought I'm making good enough thumbnails and I shared my videos but I'm just stuck
this is gonna take a long time to read, apart from the 1st post are there anymore helpful tips? I only have 10 lol and yet people say how entertaining they are and that I should keep putting them up.. which I probably will anyway coz its a great way to entertain my kids lol
So I'm having trouble getting views and subscribers, every video I upload now just gets less views and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I just really need some help. I thought I'm making good enough thumbnails and I shared my videos but I'm just stuck
there are days where I tend to be in the same as you....not sure what I do right or wrong at times, the videos tend to differ a lot from each other
Just wanted to say thank you for this! I'm brand new to YT and a lot of it was stuff I did already know from work experience but it's good to have kind of a checklist to go over for the basics! Great job and thanks again this has already increased view times, due to better thumbnails and descriptions!
So I'm having trouble getting views and subscribers, every video I upload now just gets less views and I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
Go back to your videos that worked well and analyze what you did differently in comparison to the ones that don't work. Do more of the stuff that does work and less of the stuff that doesn't.
Yeah I agree! Who knew this was going to be super difficult! Oh well. Its a challenge. As long as I like the video and I'm happy that I posted it out there for whoever to be inspired, thats all I really ask for