Common issues that keep you under 1,000 subscribers

Hey Tim it's great to see your post here. I'm pretty new to YouTube and have watched quite of few of your videos and they are helping me out a lot. Great tips once again.​
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Wouldn't time also be a big issue why many of us aren't at 1k subs? It's not like I've been around for years or something, I just started 5 1/2 months ago...
Wouldn't time also be a big issue why many of us aren't at 1k subs? It's not like I've been around for years or something, I just started 5 1/2 months ago...
I feel that's a good point. I'm just now understanding how to properly advertise and not make it seem like spam or anything. I'm very new to this and didn't have any momentum at the start other than personal friends. I feel like with time my videos have gotten much better in quality as far as content and editing, but am just now starting to get myself out there...finding this site for example.
I feel that's a good point. I'm just now understanding how to properly advertise and not make it seem like spam or anything. I'm very new to this and didn't have any momentum at the start other than personal friends. I feel like with time my videos have gotten much better in quality as far as content and editing, but am just now starting to get myself out there...finding this site for example.
Same here 'iv'e only been on youtube for 4 months but with a a lot trail and error i'm slowly getting the hang of things , i even got one my video's ranked pretty high on youtube for such a small channel , this site is a great place to socialize iv'e met a lot new friends here :) , i just hate when new people come here put a ":come look at my channel" type of comment and never show up again smh , we are a community we have to help each other grow people are just too selfish :([DOUBLEPOST=1452007765,1452007249][/DOUBLEPOST]
Wouldn't time also be a big issue why many of us aren't at 1k subs? It's not like I've been around for years or something, I just started 5 1/2 months ago...
I'm not a at 1k yet but i think the reason people stay under it ,it's because they become complacent and fail to improve their content they are very consistent with uploading but the quality remains the same , and their are people who expect more, the number 1000 isn't going to make them subscribe. That's why iv'e spent so much time on the appearance of my channel and the quality of my videos. AUDIO, VIDEO QUALITY, FRAME RATE ,COLOR CORRECTION ETC , the list goes on youtube isn't easy but i can tell u this very rewarding when you received back feedback from you're fans :)
Great advice, thanks kindly! I would also state that having a strong appetite for learning the video editing, transcoding, and even animating process will help you. I am just getting started into these and I am learning so much every day. And it helps, people say it shows, and my view count is increasing alongside my video quality. Definitely quality over quantity.
Thanks for the post Tim.

Advice number 3 really hits home for me: I'm totally embarrassed by my first videos!
I'm on my second week of posting videos, I post new videos every Friday, and I put hours into recording and editing combined, and when I'm not doing those two things I'm reading up on how to grow my channel (or I'm at school.) I have my videos recorded a week in advance, so if I post a video today I already have next weeks video ready to post. As I get more views I'm going to stop doing that so I can include their comments in my videos. Anyways back to the point, I spent atleast 20 minutes making a thumbnail for each video, and it has paid off, my very first video I posted on my channel got 130 views in one week and I got 10 subscribers off of it. HOW CRAZY IS THAT, 130 VIEWS ON MY VERY FIRST VIDEO! as you can tell I'm very satisfied. but the problem is.... I posted a video yesterday and it only got about 10 views. I don't know what I did wrong to make people not want to watch the video, but I'm really disappointed that I got over 100 views (overnight) and now I have less than 10% of that.