Common issues that keep you under 1,000 subscribers

Great advice, and it's stuff that I'm trying to improve all the time. I hovered around 400 subs for the longest time until I started to make sure I posted things regularly, put descriptions of what happens on my channel right in every description box, and really jazzed up my thumbnails and descriptions. I'm hoping to get to 1,000 by the end of the year, but it'll probably happen sometime closer to the end of January. I'm learning! This forum has been a huge help.
Oh man, all of this is so true. Good stuff.

Most creators assume that their videos are awesome and that the only problem they have is exposure. The problem with that way of thinking is that it locks you into a mindset that doesn't change with YouTube and causes you to start blaming other things that you don't control. It's pretty self-defeating.

I've seen this so many times.
Hey Tim thanks for helping out us new-tubers, i definitely see the value in what you do. i've been watching your videos a lot of late and get a lot of your points. what i have a hard time doing is implementing all this knowledge. for example i started a YouTube gaming channel, my wife helps me out a lot with thumbnails and some editing when i cant. from what i can see my channel looks pretty good for only being around for about 2 months. i've got 68 subs, 45 videos 4663 views thus far. my channels growth started happening when i started interacting with the community. my thumbnails, logos look good but that's my opinion, and i'm active in websites like Facebook, twitter, tumblr, reddit, yttalk, and damnlag. i reply to every message i get from every site including comments on my channel. i also help other channels by sharing there videos and commenting on there content. i feel like i'm doing all the right things but i also spend alot of my day on all these sites, as well as making the videos, thumbnails, intros, outro's, etc.. how active should i be on these social media sites? one thing is for sure, i love doing what i'm doing, i'm just curious to know if i may be doing something wrong. reason i say that is ill admit i post my videos on these sites, i usually leave a comment so its not just a video post and i use as many tags as i can as well as retweets etc. after im done posting all my videos to all the sites ill jump into forums check messages or look up other peoples content and reply to there videos. Do you think im doing the right thing, or is there something else i need to do?
I think it's so important to comment and really like other people's stuff. When people comment on my videos I literally feel so honored that they TOOK THE TIME out of their day to post something positive about what I put out in the world. Great thread!
Great post OP, what you're saying is very applicable. My personal problem is that most of my videos are about chess, which has a very niche audience that is already mostly enamored with some of the bigger chess-tubers out there.

I just recently got back into making content, and I'm looking to break that tasty 50 subscribers. The idea of it blows my mind; that 50 separate people share my interests and find my videos to be worth their time.
I think it's so important to comment and really like other people's stuff. When people comment on my videos I literally feel so honored that they TOOK THE TIME out of their day to post something positive about what I put out in the world. Great thread!
So true. Yes i am also very honored when people do that , it takes effort and that says something about your content for someone to really take their time to comment , we must be doing something right