Common issues that keep you under 1,000 subscribers

I will definitely have to take a look at your videos, from the two posts of yours that I read there is just so much more to learn about youtube marketing, its time to step my game up it seems.
I have been thinking of how to step my videos up too, I really am not interested in making another video unless it is better than the last.
I will always improve mine but my issue is trying to get any type of exposure. When I manage to get people to click on my vids they love them and subscribe so thats good right xD I am just bad at the whole twitter then :c I follow people and try talk to them but the ignore me so I don't see what im doing wrong :/
Wow more Tim tips! Great :) I try to make as good quality content as possible but its hard to get exposure when playing games dominated by larger giants. Even though I only gaines 10 subs in 2 months, I still continuo to keep faith, make better videos and hope the world enjoy it. Just seeing the smile of my younger sibling makes me continuo. Imagine if thousands could get a smile...That's my dream. Anyway sorry for the looooong speech but this thread is AWESOME!!!!
Hey Tim, I read you post, and can truly appreciate the information within it. I am steadily trying to hone and figure out why my channel matters and what value it and I bring to someone's life...
Great topic and thank you for the info! My channel has been up since May this year and while I'm at 338 subs my views and more importantly view time is much lower than I'd like. I will devour this collective wisdom and hopefully this will help me kick on to the next level!

Thanks again :-)
Awesome Post! I (think) I do most of what you posted, but I just can't seem to break that 500 sub mark (I have 433).
I will always improve mine but my issue is trying to get any type of exposure. When I manage to get people to click on my vids they love them and subscribe so thats good right xD I am just bad at the whole twitter then :c I follow people and try talk to them but the ignore me so I don't see what im doing wrong :/
Are you doing more than just twitter? there are so many social media platforms that you need to use, its like a part time job just marketing your channel. :)