Common issues that keep you under 1,000 subscribers

... stuff that causes audience drop-off (like branded intros, for example) ...

Holy crap! That's insane, indeed! My branding intro is less than 3 seconds long, and during that time, I seem to lose 10-20% of viewers. How the heck do they close the video that quickly? I think I'm getting too old for modern day media consumption :D Seriously though, I always felt that short and un-abusive branding intros were valuable (especially if you have a wider range of content), but maybe they aren't after all?
I always felt that short and un-abusive branding intros were valuable (especially if you have a wider range of content), but maybe they aren't after all?
IMO, they're valuable as long as you're using the intro to offer value to your viewers. I see the most audience drop off when the video doesn't set a strong hook rather quickly and when the branded intro is basically just a logo flashing around. Instead, use your intro to set context for what your channel is about and who it's for. Ideally, your branding encapsulates both of those things so doing it all within 3 seconds shouldn't be too difficult.

That said, 10-20% drop off at the beginning isn't insanely terrible. I'd rather it be closer to 10% obviously. If you're hitting 20% pretty consistently then I'd consider using the intro to pitch the channel's value proposition and starting your videos with a stronger hook.
I'll definitely try to keep all this in mind & implement it into my channel. I always seem to have trouble with the interaction part though, if someone comments on one of my videos or sends me a message I'll talk to them no problem. I have trouble approaching people because I don't want to make it seem like I'm just there to push my channel on them. Or I feel like I'm just irritating them/am too awkward.

Thats why i just comment oh hey love your video new subscriber in the hope they will check me out too!
All good points in the initial post. Thumbnails are particularly key in my opinion - if yours is worse than everyone elses, why would they click on your thumbnail? Doesn't need to be complicated, needs to be colourful and inviting (and that can be done even with basic graphic design knowledge). I used to have the habit of massively over-designing my thumbnails and it certainly didn't help.
Two things I'd add;

- Consistency, particularly for gaming channels, people don't want to go weeks between episodes of a specific "lets play" etc., and I think gaming channels in particular demand daily content.

- Niche. It is so important to find what makes you unique. I've just hit 190,000 subscribers (so close to 200! D:) and you know, most of my growth has been in the past 6 months or so and that's because I found a unique angle. There's ten billion people doing Minecraft videos already, the world probably doesn't want one more.
New to the forums.

I recently started using my channel and have around 330 subscribers. I don't have a video intro but created a logo of my name that I've been inserting in my thumbnails. I've also tried to make my Thumbnails bright and my titles relevant but also more sensational. I do "Let's Plays" of video games. The problem I have is I'm a girl in a man's genre. In real life I'm laid back, I was born and bred on console gaming and I want that to come across in my videos. I don't want to be seen as 'just another girl with a webcam'. My high pitch voice doesn't help but I'm hopeful it comes across more as characteristic and less as annoying. Lately I've tried to make my thumbnails more funny, showing I'm not afraid to poke fun at myself in a healthy way. So far people have been receptive have only gotten occasional harassment. I'm just not sure how to get myself out there or if my channel has some beginner's mistakes that I am not seeing since I'm so new.
I'm still trying to get my channel out there after a little over 2 months. I have 58 subs and almost 2,000 channel views. Anyone have any other tips?
The problem I have is I'm a girl in a man's genre.
Actually, that will probably work in your favor. Not to dog on jr high boys, but if those kids think the girl is cute, they'll watch her videos all day and dream about marrying her one day. haha

A lot of these early lessons you'll learn as you continue to make videos and be active on YouTube. Keep going and you'll learn a lot.
Actually, that will probably work in your favor. Not to dog on jr high boys, but if those kids think the girl is cute, they'll watch her videos all day and dream about marrying her one day. haha

A lot of these early lessons you'll learn as you continue to make videos and be active on YouTube. Keep going and you'll learn a lot.

You are right! That really can be helpful! I know some may find me cute and may only be there for that reason. I just want to be sure I never forget that my focus should be on what I bring to the table and not my face. Thanks man. :) I admit I follow some guys on YouTube because they are quite handsome too...
Woah! I'm totally subscribing to your channel! very interesting things you said here... I'm in my second year on Youtube and I only have 286 subscribers, and it's really hard to get them to participate in the comments section....