Can ugly people be successful on a visual platform?

I think "charisma" is more important than "good looks" - You can have very good-looking people with zero charisma and who are very boring to be around and would be very boring to watch videos of also.

"charisma" often goes hand in hand with self-confidence and sense of humour. Anyone with a story to tell and the confidence to do it in front of camera can succeed IMHO. :)
I don't want to call anybody out but there are some UGLY people on YouTube! =P
But seriously, go for it. While you are at it, learn how to take advantage of putting affiliate links in the description for stuff on Amazon that you use around the house.
I agree with the other comments. I actually find it interesting how different types of people have been successful in the platform. At first I thought the same thing but the content you create is the most important thing. Also, I have learned in life not to give a F about what other people think.

The good looks have helped many but it is not a requirement to be successful in this platform.
I won't lie, and I'm sure I'm not alone in this - I have watched and subbed to people's videos who I've found attractive. But I don't really stick with them unless I find their videos and personalities attractive. I'm more likely to be drawn in long term for good content than good looks. How attractive they are isn't really something I notice when I watch a video.

And I've certainly never decided to pass on a video because the person was "ugly"
People want to be entertained, just like a good movie they want good pacing and interesting content that'll keep them hooked for more than those first curious 3min. If what you're saying is deep or funny or interesting and somehow relevant enough, they'll stick around, and you'll build an audience. You don't have to film yourself either. I don't. You can make narration videos and get your point across differently, with footage or images etc.
If we were talking face to face as friends, i would have gone moderate mad on you. Define "ugly" and who on earth told you that you are not beautiful? Attractive as sexy or attractive as a good performer? Duh! If you want to make a mommy channel, attractivity and a pretty face will attract what? Middleage guys and immature boys? Give some good advice, make clips to help others or speak your experience. People like a shiny face to be entertained but they bond with people with similar experiences and looks. An ordinary working mom is not a top fricking model. She is a superhero though :)
I think that the main thing is to be charismatic and not to cause negative emotions in the audience, because not everyone is born Angelina Jolie. Especially if it is suitable and interesting content - then I am sure that there will be an audience for this.
@PNWmom that made me feel sad to read, only a small percentage of the population is what most would consider beautiful but everyone is actually beautiful when you really get to know them. The biggest hurdle your going to have is relaxing and coming across confident as that's all that matters to keep people interested. Your focussing on crafting/parenting, that's a huge market and youtube is a perfect platform to demonstrate your skills, share your crafts and experience. People are watching your channel for what your teaching them. Spend some time reading through these forums as you will find tons of great information to help get your channel up and running... and to get found through the use of good tags, thumbnails, etc.

Give it time and it will grow! Please don't feel that your not good enough because you aren't happy with your appearance. Notice I say it's you that's not happy with it because that is what it is coming down to. You will attract a community of like minded people and probably most of them will not be young, slim blondes, that much I can guarantee as they are not usually into crafting!!!

Seriously, send me a message if you want to talk more but I strongly encourage you to overcome your fear and do it, my biggest piece of advise is for you to feel relaxed when the camera is rolling because people will see through the nerves and leave, not for any other reason. I'm no expert but I'm an ordinary middle aged woman who loves all sorts of crafting, I could easily find your channel if I was looking something up and trust me, I would not leave the channel because I thought you were overweight or not attractive in any way. I'm not saying you even are, that's your opinion but I would certainly be watching what you are making and feeling myself filled with inspiration and oooo's and aaaaaa's at the beautiful things your showing me.

If your concerned about what your friends/family think, don't tell them haha, I've only told 2 people that I trusted wouldn't judge me that I have a youtube channel. Don't put that kind of pressure on yourself when your first starting out.

I better finish here, I talk too much, especially when I get passionate about something.
Of course you can find success! Honestly I'm feeling the same feelings as you are but I'm ignoring them because a Real fan base will always follow your content because they like WHO you are. I have less than a handful of true followers on my channel and it's every nice comment they send that pushes me to want to create more.
There's always going to be people that will seek to push you down and try to diminish your confidence, but here me out. You need to push that negativity aside (Take constructive feedback as much as possible) but focus on the ones that truly support your channel and like the content you create.

I believe Everyone has something to offer you just have to push yourself out of your comfort zone and keep trying.
but more importantly do this because you enjoy it. if you do that then at the end of the day you cant lose.
YouTube popularity is a reflection of our society. It will be much more difficult for a beauty youtuber, vlogger or instagram influencer to be successful if they are not attractive.