Best ads option?

Hmmm excellent point my friend. Stuff where I need to think about. Is there a way to see if ppl come and leave right away? (Bounce?) in the youtube analyitics?
Yes sure:
Choose the video you want to examine, then go to: ANALYTICS > Views Reports > Audience Retention

However i suggest to keep in mind that even if non-skipable ads are turned "on", its not nessesarily will show those kind of ads on every single video view. For more in-depth and more accurate analysis its cool to have "Earnings Analytics" enabled on your Channel on Youtube website for examination.
Yes sure:
Choose the video you want to examine, then go to: ANALYTICS > Views Reports > Audience Retention

However i suggest to keep in mind that even if non-skipable ads are turned "on", its not nessesarily will show those kind of ads on every single video view. For more in-depth and more accurate analysis its cool to have "Earnings Analytics" enabled on your Channel on Youtube website for examination.
Thanks forthe information. I have the Earnings Analytics enabled. I will go in the stats tonight ;)
Did you check all in the monetization/claim?

I uncheck the ads that CANNOT be skipped. Am I going to get more revenues when I turn in it OFF or ON?
perhaps we can start off with ads that can be skipped and once we get the momentum going we can start turning on ads that cannot be skipped!
I have turned the 30 secs ad off in all my vids now. Reason: I think that i loose potential subscribers cause the leave before watching the video.
I have turned the 30 secs ad off in all my vids now. Reason: I think that i loose potential subscribers cause the leave before watching the video.
For the comparison and clarification and double checking for yourself if you are correct you can check the audience retention on exact same videos from the older times when they were "off" (before you turned them "on") You will get better idea then.

I had on a fair part of unmonetized videos too, that some decent part of people are quitting at the start - it maybe because they were not interested in my content, or maybe were interested just to see what it is and quit, or were just a random visitors, expecting to see something else.

Another thing - when preroll runs, i think video is not started to show so such visitor who quit a video just starting to see preroll, will not appear on the stats / audience retention maybe. Im just guessing if its like that, absolutely not sure.

Probably if you would place a unskipable mid-roll ad, you can clearly see in "Audience Retention" then if visitors significally drops in the middle of the video :)
For the comparison and clarification and double checking for yourself if you are correct you can check the audience retention on exact same videos from the older times when they were "off" (before you turned them "on") You will get better idea then.

I had on a fair part of unmonetized videos too, that some decent part of people are quitting at the start - it maybe because they were not interested in my content, or maybe were interested just to see what it is and quit, or were just a random visitors, expecting to see something else.

Another thing - when preroll runs, i think video is not started to show so such visitor who quit a video just starting to see preroll, will not appear on the stats / audience retention maybe. Im just guessing if its like that, absolutely not sure.

Probably if you would place a unskipable mid-roll ad, you can clearly see in "Audience Retention" then if visitors significally drops in the middle of the video :)

Good point.. getting a bit crazy with this 30 sec. ad.. Pros and cons.. :(