Being a Youtuber when you have roommates..


Active Member
Hi guys!

So I feel like I have a problem. I really want to work on my channel, but the issue is that I have 2 other roommates. I dont know them, but have of course talked a little with them but they dont know Im doing this. And its very easy to hear through the doors here, so I feel awkward sitting here and talking to myself

Anyone here in the same situation, or maybe have some advice what I can do? Its as though I feel embarressed for starting a Youtube channel, and thats just stupid..
So I told the people I live with it's gonna only be a problem once I start working cause then i'll have to record and edit at night. besides that I should be good.
It isnt ideal at all, perhaps only make videos when they are not home if thats even possible or encourage them into outdoor activities :D
Imagine if you were an ASMR channel and you were like whispering: "Hey guys today I'm going to show some awesome sounds" :woot2: LMAO

You are in a tough decision but the best solution would be to be honest...

You shouldn't be embarrassed for starting a YouTube channel! There are 50 years old men that started a gaming channel and they are doing just fine with over 30K subs. I think you should tell them something like... Ohh and BTW I'm starting a Youtube channel so don't mind me if I talk alone XDD and that's all. You don't need to share your channel, I wouldn't recommend you do that. At least I haven't done it and after 6 months nobody knows I have a YT channel IRL simply because they are not my audience and they will not watch my videos.

But you never know, maybe they also want to start a YouTube channel, maybe they already have one or maybe they will help you or get inspired by you. If not, you do you and as long as you are not disturbing anyone it should be fine! Video can take you only 1 hour to record, after that you'll only have to edit.

I know how you feel, believe me, but in the end your channel can be one of the best things you can create, at least this has been an amazing year for me thanks to my channel. I only wish I could've started earlier!
Thank you so much for your response!

I have the day off today and they're off at work, so I managed to make TWO videos today!
One of them had some technical difficulties, but still.. I feel already a little better being in front of the camera, and feel like it maybe a little bit better filming when they're home now.. Or at least I hope..
I definitely understand feeling awkward about it. I have my own place, no roommates but if I hear the neighbours moving about next door, I get a bit self-conscious. Even more so because my videos are in a foreign language to the language of the country I'm living in. ^^

In your situation, I would try and own it and even make a joke about it:

When you see your roomates next say something like: "Oh by the way, I make YouTube videos so don't be surprised if you hear / see me talking to myself about cats, memes and how to buy a million dollar's worth of make-up for 50 cents or whatever. So what are your hobbies?"

Say it really confidently and with a smile. After that, there's no reason to feel awkward. Honestly, so many people today are trying to build a social media presence, whether it be a blog, twitter, instagram, facebook or Youtube. I'm sure you're not the only Youtuber they know. :)
two choises:

1. you state: "I am a Youtuber!" period.

2. you state "I am trying to make a video for Youtube, you know,..." smile kind... maybe ask them if they like...

Well, preferably, choose #1 :D :p