Gaming Be a part of a different kind of Gaming group!


Well-Known Member
Hey dudes, I’m part of a YouTube gaming group called Gilded Phoenix Studios, and we’re looking for awesome dedicated people to join our team!

We post 4 times a week with special shows showcasing funny moments, indie games, chill games, and a survival series we have going on! We also do a monthly podcast and are always open to doing more shows and bigger and better things!

We’re looking for people who are dedicated and motivated and want to be a part of something bigger, if you have skills like editing, graphic design, animation then we could use you!

We’re a team that hopes to bring out quality videos with the best production we can!

We play games like

•Apex Legends
•Realm Royale
•Golf with your friends
And more

If you’re interested In joining our team leave a comment below or add me on discord at Orb#9917

Our community server:

Thanks guys!
Yo I am very interested in playing with you guys and having fun! I usually play Apex Legends and I’m pretty decent at it! My yt channel is Slush Plays and I also play other games too.
dude im interesting i did some graphic designing at school for short films but honestly i dont think im good
Hey I’m new to this, like really new. I would really like to be apart of your team and see what I can do, please reasoned, I’m trying to figure out what I want to do. Thanks! ☺️