Awesomeness tv invite help needed

Oh dear my friend, I'm so sorry but you've literally just sold your channel's soul away. I'd suggest creating a brand new channel and starting again, it's the best course of action.

EDIT: That's IF you CAN'T get out of signing with them. They f**k you over and give you jack s**t man. I suggest next time doing a little research before signing with a network.
He actually legally has to.
By applying for ATV you sign the contract, when they invite you it means they have counter-signed, locking you in for the contract term.
He didnt sign anything. Dont jump to conclusions.
Well I have had no contact from them personally so I have not heard their terms of a contract
When you go to there website and click the button.. you are (digitally signing with them) I am not sure what the legality is but in essence you have signed.
Yeah but what I am saying is they have not even contacted me! I just got the youtube message and I can reject the invite
Yeah but what I am saying is they have not even contacted me! I just got the youtube message and I can reject the invite
They don`t have to, why should they? you`ve akready signed the contract, now they`ve co-signed and sent you to be partnered.
It`s actually illegal for you to sign your channel with another network (if you don`t go with ATV) during the next 2 years(contract term)