Avoiding YouTube Beef

The golden rule is always "Don't feed the troll". Although it can sometimes be hard it is best to just delete any comments like that. Better not to give the trolls and haters anything to grab on.

(Another way to avoid YT drama in general is to steer clear of any hot topics such as Brexit and Trump, they bring in the haters real quick as people can be so opinionated.)
My YT experience has been totally chill so far, but I have had a few trolls on Twitter and as someone else said earlier in the thread, I've found the best strategy is never engage, just block and move on. They're looking for a response. (Also, remember that those down votes still count as engagement on your vids, so this person has actually helped you out a bit.)
So have you ever been told a "Follow back or else I'm following" type comment? Well, I did.
I replied " No thanks, work on your approach, and try again."
Even though i'm setting myself up, I didn't even really insult him.
Then he deletes his comment, and almost immediately two different accounts message
me saying:
"You're trash, give it up"
"Guess you have to start over now"

I look all my videos had 5 thumbs down!!!!( before I had none!)

I made light of the situation and pinned his comment, a few subscribers clowned him, I got him good about morality when his YouTube video was about homelessness, He deleted his video!! LOL!!!
Then I flagged and deleted the messages.

Moral of the story is had I known, I would have just blocked his channel from the beginning and never responded!
This could have been very avoidable, so



Don't engage in those trolls I know it's tempting but don't, I've been in that situation before.
look at the comment and think to yourself - is this a real issue/complaint/criticism of me or my channel? or is this only written with intent to annoy me?

never respond to the latter.
I love to engage with trolls, id love to get my first death threat and gotten plenty of racist remarks. I find it funny when people try to be racist because they cant seem to be able to pinpoint where im from. So according to racists trolls im from " dubai/Mexico/Africa/India/cuba and every country in south america.
death threat don't scare me or bother me at all because id LOOVEEEE to see someone in my house, if someone managed to get in my front door or 3 miles near my front door " i own my own forest more than 5 miles wide in every direction" i have 100% write to shoot to kill no questions asked.[DOUBLEPOST=1502469476,1502469114][/DOUBLEPOST]
How about this - when i hit 100k subs i will share with you only. Although what I do is not impressive.
My god stop downplaying ur success.I find it funny youre avatar seems rather accurate to how you feel about youre channel.

Over the past months i have gathered that you use to love doing YT, now is a grind job you hate doing everyday tot he point you refuse to share your info here because you think what you do is either s**t or not impressive at all... and yet ur numbers show the opposite. Homer.... Get ur s**t together and be proud of what u do and share it with us god f*** damnit :D. I could use the advice.
My god stop downplaying ur success.I find it funny youre avatar seems rather accurate to how you feel about youre channel.

Over the past months i have gathered that you use to love doing YT, now is a grind job you hate doing everyday tot he point you refuse to share your info here because you think what you do is either s**t or not impressive at all... and yet ur numbers show the opposite. Homer.... Get ur s**t together and be proud of what u do and share it with us god f*** damnit :D. I could use the advice.

Yeah, I wouldn't engage with unpleasant comments on YouTube; when people are engaging with commenters I do have in an unpleasant or bigoted way, I just go through and delete them.