Average length of videos

I aim for 15-20 minutes.. even if people drop out half way, it's more watch time than if it was 3 minutes and everyone watched to the end. I also have a built up base of people who will watch to the end (if I keep it interesting) so I say let it run as long as you can.
Depends on the kind of videos. If it's vlog, maybe around five to seven minutes. You can also hit 10 minutes for a second ad spot. For shorter kind around two to four minutes. The most important part of the video is the first few seconds, since we have an attention span of less than eight seconds!
We think a good amount of time is 3-5 minutes. We know sometimes for certain videos you need more time, but it's also important to cut out parts that might not be very important or interesting. It's always good to look back when you're editing, and look through the eyes of the viewer and think, would this be interesting to the viewer, or is it only interesting to me. I don't know, that's just what has helped us a lot :) When videos are too long, people can be halfway through and start to loose attention.

Hope we helped,
Julia and Claire
I like to make them long enough to get all my points ideas across, but I try not to ramble and edit out irrelevant parts of the video. Especially being a new YouTuber, people will not want to stick around for a really long video from someone they don't know yet.
I like to make them long enough to get all my points ideas across, but I try not to ramble and edit out irrelevant parts of the video. Especially being a new YouTuber, people will not want to stick around for a really long video from someone they don't know yet.

Yes, I've come to that conclusion. It seems best to start out with short videos, and then grow to have a mix of longer and shorter videos.