Are my thumbnails boring?

get rid of black lines and put a image in the background basically what the others have said , congrats on 250 views btw :)

Do you know how I can make my own background? Also, I'll see what I can do! I take everyone's advice into consideration and It's all helpful to me!
Also, thank you! I'm so glad it feels like i'm actually getting somewhere for a small youtuber!
They don't really give any information of what the video will be about, simply because you can't read it all. A background would be nice too! So I wouldn't say boring, they just need some work ;)

Thanks for your advice, I'll try and get some work done on them, i've not really been doing anything to them due to the fact I just quickly scrape them together whilst the video is uploading!

Also could you give me any advice on how to "spice up" my thumbnails shall we say?
Like others have said remove the black lines and maybe make it a little more creative. BTW if you need some one to make thumbnails for you contact me!

Thank you for the offer but I don't really plan my videos I just make them whenever I feel like it therefore I wouldn't have a clue when i'd need thumbnails but thanks anyway x
Well I usually take my backgrounds from screenshots of the game I'm playing and edit them a bit in photoshop(but you could probably edit them in most text software like micro soft paint). So your background could be anything really.
Well I usually take my backgrounds from screenshots of the game I'm playing and edit them a bit in photoshop(but you could probably edit them in most text software like micro soft paint). So your background could be anything really.

I have photoshop, what size does my canvas need to be, to be a background?
Advice anyone?
I mean text always engages people, you can't help but read something if you're literate once your eyes scan text... However, they do look the same. Perhaps you could vary the font and coloration a bit to get more of a pop and distinction between em?