Other Anyone Wanna Become YouTube Friends? (Helping Each Other Along The Way To Success)


Hey, My Name Is Noor

I am a Canadian YouTuber Who mostly makes skits, challenges, and diy vids. I have been on YouTube for 4 years now on different channels, and I am ready to dedicate to this one (NRMRD)

Anyone wanna be YouTube friends? Along the way to success and fame, we help each other out, share each others videos, give tips, and just simply help and keep in touch along the way to success. Anyone wanna join me? Tell me your channel genre and how old you are, and a way to contact you, and lets go together on the road to success!
Sounds cool! I am not comfortable releasing my age on the internet, but My name is Lizzee and I am a gaming channel! You can contact me on twitter @lizzeegamelive or search Lizzeelive, you can also email me at lgamelive@outlook.com! Whichever works best!
sounds awesome, we are always up for trying new things we do drinking, metal work creations, and loads of other silly things, we went through a phase of making axes, but i think we are done with them for a bit.... up for anything with anyone!
Hi! I love making new internet friends! My name is Emily, I'm 24 and I mostly make videos talking about social topics and feminism but I also make art and favorites videos. You can email me any time at emilypruna@gmail.com