Any downside to uploading video as PRIVATE and then switching it to PUBLIC?


I've Got It
What I trying to ask is... does youtube treat such videos any different? I'm about to upload a video as PRIVATE to make sure it looks OK and then I was going to switch it to PUBLIC... are there any downsides to not immediately uploading it as PUBLIC in the first pace? Thanks
No, because they are already uploaded as private until you click "publish". And if there was a downside, that would make the schedule option ineffective. When you set a scheduled time for a video, it remains private until the time specified, then becomes public.
I had also wondered this at some point. But yeah, I do believe it’s treated the same. I always schedule my videos to publish at a certain time and I have verified that my subscribers get the notification too
I always upload as private or sceduled, because I need to add the endcard etc before I make them public. I'm pretty sure Youtube treats these videos exactly the same, so use that Scedule option to your advantage!
There is no downside. The video publish date for YouTube viewers is the date when you make it public, even if it was unlisted/private for hours or days before. My default upload is to unlisted, because YouTube takes some time to process the videos to HD/4K and if I publish it right after upload, some viewers will see it in low quality (SD, 480p) and not in HD, so they may think the video is in bad quality, while in fact its still not fully processed to HD/4K by YouTube. There are also other benefits of uploading as unlisted.
If it's private won't that prevent monetisation happening until you make them public ?

I always upload as unlisted to give YT time to monetise them before changing to public.