Annoying voice

I wonder if people who say that are actually having an issue with the audio and not expressing it clearly? I think you have a great 'radio voice' but I agree that a closer/better mic would help a lot.
agree with everyone else! i read a lot of gossip forums (don't judge) and people are often complaining about youtubers voices that are perfectly fine, it's really subjective. i love your accent and like SlugoGaming says it adds character.
Your editing is f*****g stellar, nothing wrong with your voice, I think that's only in your head. There's a lot to focus on so it's kind of hard to know what your saying, maybe turn up the voice volume just a bit.
There are times where I can't tell what you're saying, keep it going for pacing but slow down when you can. Also, what are you using to record irl? It kind of looks like the original quality could be bad or the encoding is bad.
Regardless, I really like your content even though I've never watch DB.

Thank you so much! I do realise there's am issue with SO much going on and it becoming distracting, I've been working on my pacing a lot more recently (comparing like my Tekken video to my newest one I definitely think I'm improving in that regard) but again thanks you, I'll definitely keep this in mind for my next one.[DOUBLEPOST=1523912430,1523912243][/DOUBLEPOST]Still a little obnoxious though[DOUBLEPOST=1523912577][/DOUBLEPOST]
I wonder if people who say that are actually having an issue with the audio and not expressing it clearly? I think you have a great 'radio voice' but I agree that a closer/better mic would help a lot.

I'm very aware of the fact that I need new recording equipment. I'm hoping to save enough for a better camera and microphone soon. Would you say the Mic is more important than the camera, at least for now?
I put a ridiculous amount of work into my videos, and I think I'm getting pretty good at editing and pacing and such; but I've been told a couple of times that I've got a pretty annoying voice.
I don't know if I've ever really turned off a video because of someone's voice (other than poor audio quality or unintelligable mumbling) but is this the case and if so is it likely to be something that holds me back?

Ignore them! Dumb comments like that can really bring down the confidence of some people. After watching your videos, I would say there is no problem at all! Most of the time people are trolling. There are ways to change the pitch of your voice in editing but it is not at all worth the effort. I myself am self-conscious about my voice and it has kept me from doing so many solo videos. But when I am with a group, i feel confident and I'm slowly getting to where I am comfortable with my voice alone. Seeing how you are confident in your voice is great! Keep it up!
Joining the not annoying voice bandwagon.
Nothing wrong with it. Peeeeerhaps people think that your accent is pretentious, but then again, that is a common stereotype with the British accent - I'm just grasping at straws here, I think it really adds to make the channel sound like 'you.'
I thought I have an annoying voice - I still sorta do, but it is amazing how YouTubing improved my self esteem regarding my voice. So keep at it and, over time, you'll learn that you don't have an annoying voice. You just need to get used to it (I really mean just you - no one likes their voice in the beginning, and us, who are not you, saw no issue with it). :)
Not annoying! And I can piggyback on this because I've gotten that exact same complaint from trolls, and I know it can be hard to block out people who are so aggressively mean, but I guarantee you that your voice is fine. If you ever doubt yourself, just remember all the people in this thread who've got your back :) (Also, I'm randomly in the process of making a Dragonball video myself, so I can say that you've got good taste, dude!)
Your voice sounds normal, I have heard way stranger voices! I agree with everyone else on here, don't let the haters comments get into your head. If anything, maybe those viewers are not used to accents, I do personally find it hard to hear clarity of words in other people if they are from a different country lol and I struggle with yours slightly too, I'm from Australia and I find that form of English easier to understand :) but your channel is great, keep it up!
Nothing wrong with your voice, being a fellow Brit, now living in the US, you might want to slow down the speed of your sentences. I could understand you fine, but I’ve had others tell ME that I speak too fast. It’s a British thing I think.

Keep going! Your videos are super tightly edited . That must have taken hours!!???