A classic troll XD

On a timelapse video I made I got the funniest comment ever
This is really f*****g stupid. It hardly resembles an iphone. Fix your production quality and get a clue of what you're doing. I don't see why anyone with a brain would watch your awful videos.
"Join date: 2012-09-12 - 72 subscribers" give up.

This guy actually subscribed and diliked the video <- Troll Logic???
What is the most classic troll you have ever got?

I'll screen cap 2 of my favorites.
The first one was on a music video that was a joke song, an OBVIOUSLY joking song, from the perspective of a fictitious character "98000 degrees celcius" he's a christian pop singer who thinks his sex appeal is the best way to teach girls not to lust.
troll 1.png

And this one was on one of the videos I had wind up in Cringe on Reddit.
troll 2.png