I can just feel the "big 10,000" getting closer
I love the fact that right now, the channel is gaining about 31 new subscribers each day without me promoting it. I am however working a LOT on the videos, currently publishing two per week. One on Tuesday and one on Saturday.
It's ridiculously hard because sometimes, I have to cover complex topics in just one minute. However, so far, I haven't pushed the one minute concept to the extreme. I mean since the channel is called One Minute Economics, even a 1:59 video would qualify because we're still talking about *one minute* and 59 seconds. But again, even for complex topics, getting close to the 1:59 zone hasn't been necessary so far. And I've covered fractional reserve banking, derivatives and so on, topics that can be hard to explain but still, I managed to do it without pushing the one minute concept to its extremes.
Definitely isn't easy though.
But a community is starting to form and I'm receiving a lot of support from my viewers, so I'm very, very motivated. This isn't exactly the type of project you work on to get rich, it has always been more of a hobby thing for me but given the increasing interest in my work, it ended up turning into a part-time occupation haha.
Next milestone, here I come!