2013 LAYOUT THREAD (all posts about the new layout go here)

My favourite has to be subscriptions being on the left of your channel, if others are subscribed to you, they will see you being active on YouTube whenever theyre on their channel or signed in, I think we will all see more people coming back more often from this. Hopefully it wont go ignored though as a lot of the time the update is a comment by someone on someone elses video but at the least it should remind them of you.
I've recently checked some accounts here on yttalk and there is a huge number of members with the new youtube banner. I have my banner done a while ago and i can't wait to upload it. Is there some kind of settings I can go to on youtube to get the new layout?
Okay I might have a new favorite feature, you can now once again show who you are subscribed to on your channel! I missed this! haha. Go to About ->And make sure the 'Make My Subscriptions Private' box is not checked. From what I can tell you cant change the order, would be cool if they would randomize but I don't think it does.