1570 dollars in June :D


I Love YTtalk
So I earned 1570 dollars in June, that's a new record for me :D
Thing about the fact that I'm getting a low 4 dollar cpm, and only like 63% of the money (a 70/30 gross, with a 90/10 net split)
If I was at an 8 dollar CPM with a higher rev share, I could totally have earned like 3x that :D

Imagine that, 4500 dollars a month, this is totally turning into my part-time job, AND I LIKE DOING IT!!
Wow, that's great! Congratulations, that's quite a few dollars! I hope Thrashimation gets there some day, and hopefully more :D
is that US dollars? plus what is it in UK Pound sterling? (plus you share your private adsense information, im soo totally going to report you and get you banned --- ofc im joking :p
Whoa that's a nice amount of money to make of from a fun hobby ^_^

Dude his animations are good though.[DOUBLEPOST=1374697331,1374697112][/DOUBLEPOST]
is that US dollars? plus what is it in UK Pound sterling? (plus you share your private adsense information, im soo totally going to report you and get you banned --- ofc im joking :p

Dude I would be so happy if you reported me to fullscreen and they terminated my s****y contract, please do.[DOUBLEPOST=1374697368][/DOUBLEPOST]
I've made $20 in the 6 months i've been partnered. Be jelly :p

The jealousy is unbearable.
Dude his animations are good though.[DOUBLEPOST=1374697331,1374697112][/DOUBLEPOST]

Dude I would be so happy if you reported me to fullscreen and they terminated my s****y contract, please do.[DOUBLEPOST=1374697368][/DOUBLEPOST]

The jealousy is unbearable.

no way! im not a d**k xD and "s****y contract"? :O i'm not signed up to adsense but isnt that a pretty good cpm ?