1 Channel with multiple Subjects, or Multiple Channels about single subjects?

Jungle Explorer

I Love YTtalk
I currently have a YT channel with videos covering five many subject matters. I have wondered for some time whether that is helping or hurting me, and wondering if I should create more channels to devote to a single major subject. Would just like to hear some comments along these lines. Thanks
I think it's good either way.
Some people only want to see "Gaming" from a channel that is mostly about Gaming. And so on. But others are there for the "content creator(s)" and love generally everything they put out. I think that if you market yourself, make you enjoyable to be seen or heard then people will come for you no matter what type of video you put up. Granted they will like certain types of videos over others but that's normal. In my opinion I think it's smarter to just work on one or two channels at most unless you are part of a group channel or doing collaborations or something.

But again that's only my opinion. I'm no big Youtuber with a large community or anything but I know what I want to do and have a good idea of how to do it. That's all.
Hope that helps. =]
If you're trying to get big, I think in general focusing on one niche thing is the way to go, at least that's what I've noticed a lot of big youtubers do. I do a little bit of everything because I mainly do youtube for fun, so I have a detective show I'm currently working on, random shorts, a couple other web series, music stuff, a little bit of everything haha. But I also only have 137 subs after like 3 years :p
Okay, Thanks. I produce videos in five main categories. My videos could be generally categorized as Homesteading and Outdoors, with the exception of my inspirational videos. Here are the five categories.

1. DIY How To Videos: Mostly how to build old style homesteading type farm stuff.

2. Hunting, Fishing and Outdoor Sports Videos.

3. Product Review Videos: Mostly focused on on outdoor sports and video equipment.

4. Guns and Ammunition Reviews.

5. Inspirational Videos.

I am less then 10 subs away from 1000 subscribers. I average over 30,000 views a month and over 120,000 viewed minutes. I don't know if I want to become a BIG channel, but earning a few hundred a month to supplement my income would be nice.
I can think of a good strategy when having multiple topics to talk about.
Have a schedule and do a topic on a certain day, for example DIY on Mondays, Hunting vids on Tuesday and so forth!
That way it will show consistency and have people that like different topics have something to look forward to!
Yeah I have to second what Swedishtraveler said. You can do a set schedule so your subs will know which days they may want to tune in. Be it something about Gun and ammo review, or even a product review they can go on that day. Other days they may just check out some of your other videos and maybe they will enjoy that or it will help them out as well.

Right now I do a alternating schedule personally and it seems to help understand what will come out on a certain day, as well as for an editing perspective I know what I need to focus on any given day. Helps to give me the guidance as well.
Kinda like the above. Really all your topics fit in the survival niche, maybe do different days but definatly do separate playlists. It seems to me that people who like to hunt also think about survival, outdoor equipment and such whatnots. Keep them together as one channel for everything
Kinda like the above. Really all your topics fit in the survival niche, maybe do different days but definatly do separate playlists. It seems to me that people who like to hunt also think about survival, outdoor equipment and such whatnots. Keep them together as one channel for everything

Thanks. I think you are right. I am a survivalist and I do actually plan to do a survival series at some point. The five categories I listed are actually playlist titles on my channel.
You got it then, Yeah all your stuff is similar enough that it is like one channel anyway. If you wanted a varied channel one like mine would do it. I do interesting things around the net and I just find things I find neat. could be the latest in john deer tech to a cool joke told by my favorite comedian. That can be in one episode.
your topics all fit together, so there's no need to seperate them. you could even combine two videos into one with two different topics to sway viewers of one type of content to watch another type, and focus more on you, the creator, than the content you are showing.