YouTube Video Outros

We all know that having an intro is useful but what about an outro? We see TV programmes every day and almost all of them have an outro with credits at the end. I know for me that is when I get up and leave the room to do something else myself but on YouTube I am wondering if having an outro is important and if people watch them and use them if they have subscribe buttons in them etc.

My questions are do you use an outro on your videos? Do they improve your videos and do people like your outro? For what reasons do you use an outro? If you dont use one have you considered one or chose not to use one for any specific reasons?

Studying famous youtubers. I find that many of them actually have an outro. But, the outro consists of something very short: like "TEEHEE" or "LIKE THIS" or "a cut to a fast moving comment." Again, it's consistent. As a new youtuber. I'm going to try to be consistent in an outro. If it works, great. If not, ouch.
I thought about having an intro and or outro but I have no idea on how to make one.
An intro and outro is something that your audience sees in the beginning and ending of every show. It usually pertains nothing to the actual subject you have (in that video) but it's a consistent thing that your audience sees on every show. It doesn't have to be grandiose. I'm starting out, but yeah - I hope that kinda helps?
An intro and outro is something that your audience sees in the beginning and ending of every show. It usually pertains nothing to the actual subject you have (in that video) but it's a consistent thing that your audience sees on every show. It doesn't have to be grandiose. I'm starting out, but yeah - I hope that kinda helps?
Yea I know what an intro and outro are I was saying that I have no idea how to make one for my Channel
I use an Outro in my videos, I just use it to remind people to like the video and to subscribe, oh and I put my Previous Video in the Outro, to drive my viewers to that video. ;)
I don`t use intro, but I use Outro!
You can check outro in video down there.
Ive always used intros and outros I feel that they give a much more professional and personal touch to the video :).
It depends on what kind of intro and outro you want to make. Camtasia has few intros already made for you. I use intros and outros both in my videos. I use a simple Microsoft Power point 2003 slide to prepare it. If you go for something that is too may drive away your user. So just the name of your site or YT channel etc should do. I will post the tutorial over here is sometime so that you can know how I make my intros and outros.