YouTube Subscriber Count Glitching Out?


The Real James T. Kirk
Really odd phenomena been going on last couple of days. So I had secured 238 subscribers before gaining another up to 239. I then lost one which was fine, this happens all the time anyway. The next day I then lost another 2 though in quick succession. Very odd I thought until later that day I gained the two back. Then, low and behold, up to 239 and the same thing happens.

Now I recently hit 240 and I've lost two again! This is either the most frantic period of people subscribing and unsubscribing to me or there is something slightly off with YouTube!
you can look at your analytics, sometimes it tells you where someone subbed or unsubbed, like on your channel or which video. That might help.. as well as a lot of times people's accounts get closed
Exact same thing happened to me,

Thought it was weird, maybe they are closing certain inactive gmail accounts...

So it's not just me! But here's the thing, it restored itself at the end of the day both times....very strange....

you can look at your analytics, sometimes it tells you where someone subbed or unsubbed, like on your channel or which video. That might help.. as well as a lot of times people's accounts get closed

I wish the analytics were that up to date, jnet, otherwise I would be straight on it. The majority of unsubs for my channel I am convinced are from inactivity. It doesn't explain gaining the subs back by the end of the day unless I'm doing startlingly well.
Mine's not like that, but it says in some places I have 190 and other 189 and it can't make it's mind up. It's not getting in the way too much for me though
Exact same thing has has happened to me over the last week or so. Keep going from 256 back to 255 then back to 256 - over and over again. Don't know if im literally gaining and losing these subs or if it's just a glitch
Kind of annoying!