Youtube Partnership & Gaming Networks... what comes first?


Active Member
Hi there you wonderful community!
I'm stuck in a bit of a pickle here. I wanted to get some extra youtube features for my channel so I signed up as a partner. Whelp, didn't get the features just yet, but I'm guessting that'll happen in the future.

However it does give me the option to monetize my videos. Now I run a tiny gaming channel and I know I'm not allowed to make money off of copyrighted content unless you're signed up at a gaming station. However Youtube does ask me to link my Adsense to my channel with the warning that I can't edit my info after it's made.

Should I just sign up and if I ever get accepted into a network, then they'll figure it out, or should I wait with signing up for Adsense until I'm accepted into a network?

Hope anyone with some experience can help me!

First things first, by "Signing up as partner" did you simply just enable Adsense on your channel? Or actually get accepted into a proper network? As in receive a "YouTube Video Claiming Confirmation" email?

[I have just over a year of networking experience, with Vultra and VexonTV]
Oh no no no. I only just signed up. Here's what I did:
1. Become a YT partner. I can now put ads on my videos.
2. Saw that you're required to link to Adsense, so I did some research.
3. Found out I can't make money off of games unless you're in a network or if it's fair use.
4. Now then, I have a few reviews, which should count as Fair Use, so I'd like to make some money off of them by linking my Adsense to my YT account.

However, if for some reason my channel suddenly grows and a Network offers me to join them, will I be able to accept that, or am I forced to decline because my Adsense is already linked up to 'my' YT account?
If a network offers you partnership, and you have linked Adsense to your account you are in A LOT of trouble. You must contact google directly, which can take weeks/months to receive any sort of reply, as well as wait for them to remove your account from adsense. This can take up to 3 months for the entire process (exact times vary)..

So in my opinion, It would be best to just work yourself to a good network. Don't be impatient, slow and steady wins the race.
I'm MORE then happy to go slow and steady! Okay, so to follow up on this:
I haven't linked my Adsense yet (yay!) however I 'am' a YT partner. Will this have any negative results when signing up with a network?

Also thanks for the quick reply man. I was 'this' close to linking it. You're a lifesaver!
:) No problems man, If you haven't linked your adsense account, just "Disable Monitization" and you should be sweet. Never touch that button my friend, it causes a whole world of trouble on your Channel. <3

- Learnt the hard way on that hahaha
you are in A LOT of trouble

I wouldn't go as far to say that, its more of a pain as the network has to contact Google to unlink your adsense and allow the network to take control over it. It just takes longer than it would do normally. A LOT of trouble sounds like you broke the law or something :eek:
I wouldn't go as far to say that, its more of a pain as the network has to contact Google to unlink your adsense and allow the network to take control over it. It just takes longer than it would do normally. A LOT of trouble sounds like you broke the law or something :eek:
A LOT of trouble is referring to the 3-6 month wait for your Adsense to get removed.