Youtube name help!

Sitting back and realizing, I may want something for the future and while I'm deflating, there may be a time where I'm deflated. I do like the idea it just doesn't make sense for the future!
Well first I can't help you here because I am TERRIBLE with names, but remember you can change your youtube name anytime so you can choose a name you like while you deflate and after you are deflated you can choose a different name that is more fitting! Good luck!
Well first I can't help you here because I am TERRIBLE with names, but remember you can change your youtube name anytime so you can choose a name you like while you deflate and after you are deflated you can choose a different name that is more fitting! Good luck!

You can? :O
How about simple Deflatinator or The Deflatinator as the channel will be about you and not just what your doing.
Maybe after you are deflated you can give advice on how to get deflated. So it will still be relevant to your name.
Maybe after you are deflated you can give advice on how to get deflated. So it will still be relevant to your name.

While I do want to go that way, I also do want to become somewhat muscular and talk about over fitness. This is why deflate wouldn't work as much!