Services youtube graphics [read description]

Hey just wondering if you could make a profile pic
not really worried about how it looks buts its gotta say MechGaming and yea just make it creative haha thanks :)
thank you so much I REALLY love it! i'll give you credit for sure!
have any ideas for avatar?

i'll work on the avatar today and post it here for you :)[DOUBLEPOST=1375026460,1375026428][/DOUBLEPOST]
Hey just wondering if you could make a profile pic
not really worried about how it looks buts its gotta say MechGaming and yea just make it creative haha thanks :)

i will start work on it today hopefully get it back to you later on :)
at the end of the day i can only do so much on the banner space for pc because it is so minescule ill see what i can do if i cant fix it to your specfications i'm sorry, but i'm only human i tried very hard on the one i made for you, personally what your asking for is too detailed for what a youtube banner is

okay. is it possible to get the psd instead? thanks alot