Gaming Youtube Gaming Group


So, I am looking for two things:

One people to generally do games with. These people don't need any experience with any games we play, but they have to be open to play whatever the group would decided to play.

Two: People to do an Elsword series with me. Elsword, for those who don't know, is a game where you play as one of 11 characters in a 2.5D sidescrolling beat them up. Visit my channel and just look at my walk-through video for a more in-depth look. You may be wondering why I would explain it. Wouldn't I want someone who knows the game? Nope. I don't care if you knew nothing about the genre itself, just that you were willing to play it, record with me, and talk.

You can reach me through YTTalk
Twitter: @BubbleGumRogue
G+: BubbleGumRogue
Discord: ShiroShiro#5188