Youtube Copyright Claim AudioVisual Content Advanced Warfare

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This is bs, Ive just gotten the same problem, but im on my 11th episode of my series (as the episode suggests the 11th mission of the campaign)
Never had a problem before.
But asoon as I upload it and schedule it to come out for Wednesday Activision shut it down.
What annoys me most is I recorded from episode 10 to episode 15 all yesterday and now its bascially for nothing,
I've filed a dispute tho
And i'm partnered with Freedom

Let me know you get on with the dispute mate, i didn't do a dispute i just cut out the cutscenes on some and then altered the itch frequency on some others, that seemed to work.
Let me know you get on with the dispute mate, i didn't do a dispute i just cut out the cutscenes on some and then altered the itch frequency on some others, that seemed to work.
I would of done that if it was my first video but since I would of been 4 episodes away from finishing the campaign and had no past problems with it.
But I will keep you updated on this thread
I would of done that if it was my first video but since I would of been 4 episodes away from finishing the campaign and had no past problems with it.
But I will keep you updated on this thread
Yeah seems abit strange to receive your first copyright claim after your 9th episode !
Yeah seems abit strange to receive your first copyright claim after your 9th episode !
It is and I'm pretty sure Freedom are to protect me over shizz like that?
Still not heard anything, which I hoped i would, as the video was due to come out today :/
Ok so i little update, i altered the frequency on the vids for the cutscenes and everything has been fine, no copyright strikes until today.... when after one of my videos had been up or 24+hours i got a copyright claim ..... from UEFA!!!!! WHAT!!

UEFA if anyone didn't know are the Football Association for European Football (soccer for you Americans ;) ) So NOTHING to do with COD: Advanced Warfare!

And what is even more weird about this is that it tells me that the claim is for 0.02 to 0.16 on my video, well 0.00 to 0.10 is my intro!! So that means the first 6 seconds of the cutscene is what they are claiming 'visual content'

How can they do that?!?! Should i file a dispute on this?
hey i have the same problem so i did some reserch and im trying this option now maybe u should give it a try? just search youtube contact email and click the 1st option
This is bs, Ive just gotten the same problem, but im on my 11th episode of my series (as the episode suggests the 11th mission of the campaign)
Never had a problem before.
But asoon as I upload it and schedule it to come out for Wednesday Activision shut it down.
What annoys me most is I recorded from episode 10 to episode 15 all yesterday and now its bascially for nothing,
I've filed a dispute tho
And i'm partnered with Freedom

how do u schedule a video to uplod on a certain day?
how do u schedule a video to uplod on a certain day?

This thread is from 2014. Please don't bump very old threads - It is likely that some of the people are no longer active here and it is very confusing for those who are. ^^

Feel free to start a new thread discussing this topic or reply to a more recent existing thread (less than 1 month old is recommended.)

But the answer to your question is easily searchable on Google "How to schedule a video on Youtube?"
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