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Yeah I know how you feel. I never really found out what I did wrong even though I sent YouTube multiple emails they never gave me a solid response
. The system is appareantly also made for really big channels, at
least it feels like it.
It's not really, Mrtechnicaldifficult had 2 million subscribers and he was terminated for good for metadata abuse. The big channels that get reinstated after being terminated only get reinstated most of the time because they have YouTube partner managers that can escalate the issue to their policy team for additional review. Usually big channels don't violate the ToS anyway, at the most they would just get strikes for minor things. On another note, that's how the world works really, the big guys are the most profitable to Google and that's obviously going to have a sway in the way they react to violations made by big channels.
If you were filling your descriptions with tags I have a feeling you were probably doing other blackhat things which got you removed, just a feeling. Nothing worse than going to a video and all you see is a description full of unrelated tags to the video.[DOUBLEPOST=1408304190,1408304016][/DOUBLEPOST]Show's on your channel now: This account has been suspended due to multiple or severe violations of YouTube's policy against spam, gaming, misleading content or other Terms of Service violations.
So you had misleading tags, had a giveaway without following the proper rules, anything else you did you probably shouldn't have? Did you use annotations with redirects or spam people with your videos?
Yes, I know that. I've heard about large channels that has been suspended, it's just as you say, the priority is quite clear though.
It's hard to be a smaller channel, especially when your network isn't really helping you.
I'm not sure your "feeling" is quite right:
1) I don't have misleading tags (as far as I know).
2) I did ONE giveaway and I haven't yet heard if I broke any rules there.
I've acted in good faith, not asking for subs or anything.
3) I have not used annotations with redirects and I have not spammed people with my vids.
The problem I can think of is that I had tags left in the description in some of
my older vids. Something I just started to take away, but I was only halfway
when they closed down my channel. If they were misleading, I can't tell. Don't think so.
I'd rather hear from Google so I know what I have to face. I'm tired of speculations.
So if you have any piece advice, I'm happy to listen. If not, please don't.
I was just in contact with another Youtuber who just got the same message as I, and he
got back he's channel yesterday. Youtube do make mistakes.
sorry bud, didn't mean to be all judgy like. I'm just curious for the sake of what youtube is strict about thats all. I really hope you get your channel back. I remember a long time ago a youtuber started a petition and got people to email youtube to get her account reinstated and it worked. Maybe you could try something like that.