YouTube Business Card

From the business cards I've received from models and youtubers, my only advice is to keep it simple. Have your main contact information on it and don't use any images/logos that isn't your brand.
I think it's just a waste of material to make those cards. Too be honest I don't think people are actually going to watch your content, because you have a business card.

But if you're going to do it, make it awesome :p
I think it's just a waste of material to make those cards. Too be honest I don't think people are actually going to watch your content, because you have a business card.

But if you're going to do it, make it awesome :p

It works, when you go to conventions and meet with 1000s of people, it's good to have a business card handy. I know I've gotten cards of people I met at comic conventions and have emailed photos of them directly to them.

I also was able to connect with them via email and do some other shoots and collab work. I got a YouTuber's business card at a bar after an event and with that we started to network too.
I do pranks and just get wooden pegs that i stamp my youtube channel on the sides then i peg them on the back of peoples jackets, hoods or bags so when they find it they search it to see what its about
I would say get some one to design it and then print it somewhere else. that would be the best way in my opinion.
OH YES! i love the youtuber buisness cards! i'll try and attatch a pic of one of mine! oh looks like i can't but i have a video you can look for it in! go to my channel and search "for first time vloggers" and start the video at 07:36 for the buisness card thing! I put my (at least at the time) youtube picture on it, my slogan, youtube and facebook pages and what i am referred to by the internet! I made a buisness card just out of paper on microsoft on the buisness card style, made it there, took a screenshot of it, and pasted it so that i had a whole page of them and then printed them as much i needed and printed out and cut out and have like 30 in my wallet at a time! it's a great idea! btw: lucky you're going to a youtuber meet up! i've never gone to one and want to go SO bad! would you be able to check out my channel and maybe subscribe?[DOUBLEPOST=1370290393,1370290311][/DOUBLEPOST]oh and also i just put text and pictures wherever, i didn't really have a template, just a typing space the space of a buisness card and completely free and easy!
Business cards are generally necessary when networking is involved. Just try to make them memorable otherwise people will soon forget. That said, Playinithard suggested Stickers which is a pretty neat idea. Gives people a feeling that they're getting something that isn't just a piece of card.
Heres a sample of some of my "business cards" i don't really use cards, they tend to get put in a pile a lot


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