I'm not sure if this is the right forum to post this in, or if it's already been posted. But I was trying to find out if anyone has used the YouTube ads on YouTube. Like paid the monthly fee or however they do it an had a video shown as an ad? I was thinking about trying it out but wasn't sure if its worked for anyone else. I've seen the little yellow ad box next to videos on YouTube before and I was curious.
It all depends on what you're looking for and how much you're willing to spend.

You set a max on how much you want to spend in a day, bid on how much you want to pay for each view, set different categories/ demographics of who should be shown your video, and it does the rest for you.

You can bid as high or low as you want, but, when YouTube has a space to play an ad, they always go with the highest. This means that if you bid $.01 per view, it may not be shown often enough. Luckily, you have plenty of control and can change the settings at any time.

Down side is that even at the cheapest, $.01 per view, it's still $10 for only a thousand views...so it can get very expensive quickly if you want big numbers.

You only get charged if they watch 30 seconds (or more) of your video. If they hit 'skip' earlier, you will not be billed.
Ah, ok thank you for that clarification because that is not what I thought it was at all, lol. I thought it was more of a set monthly price and then your video is displayed. But thank you that helps me a lot.
In many ways, it's so much better than a single monthly price since you have so much control.

If you want to have a set budget for a month, divide that number by 30 and use that as your daily limit.