It's strange that so many people are willing to take the opinion of, "If it doesn't affect me, then who cares about it." Not affecting you right now shouldn't be a stance to say that this is okay. The fact that there are shadow restrictions taking place without any prior notice from YouTube should be alarming to everyone that wants to use YouTube as a possible financial medium. The only way creators can make money from YouTube, per se, is through adsense. To have that minimized without notice is something that shouldn't be taken lightly. This can open much larger issues with YouTube where they can undercut creators without notice just to appease to advertisers (this can minimize CPMs for everyone).
And the greater issue is the amount of subjectivity taking place with their reasoning for restriction. Channels are being completely restricted just because they contain a certain word in their title or might use a word that is hardly negative. You take my video for example, titled "How to Quit Smoking." YouTube decided to restrict this video solely based on the word *smoking*. The intention of the video is to help people with a health risk factor yet is deemed unworthy to advertisers. Then there are channels like VetRanch that get hit with restrictions because their content might be deemed too graphic, even though their intention is to educate people that might aspire to be veterinarians themselves.