You know when you're a dog owner when...

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well maybe thats because its a touchy subject but they dont care, my uncles friends brother had dogs and of course he said I own those pieces of... well you know so he beat them, cops down there said they didnt care cause we own pets so its not a big deal, he ended up killing one of the dogs by beating it to death, I liked this dog to, used to see it almost everyday in the summers so now you know why its a touchy subject its just people dont care to hear me out before trying to shut me up
Ok so this is a touchy subject for you. Our members have touchy issues too, sakura is touchy about anyone acting like she doesn't care for the animals she is around every day whom she would do anything for. We're all touchy about something. But everything I've seen you post is you from your perspective not trying to get along not trying to compromise not allowing people to disagree, you are being so incredibly... you are only seeing your perspective in SO many ways. It sounds like you have alot of hurt inside you over some things, we can work with this if you'll work with us. You can't just start being confrontational and expect no one to get mad or hurt. So please, please try to not take such offense to things. No one here is trying to offend you.
well maybe thats because its a touchy subject but they dont care, my uncles friends brother had dogs and of course he said I own those pieces of... well you know so he beat them, cops down there said they didnt care cause we own pets so its not a big deal, he ended up killing one of the dogs by beating it to death, I liked this dog to, used to see it almost everyday in the summers so now you know why its a touchy subject its just people dont care to hear me out before trying to shut me up
You're making it a touchy subject....

& You are saying your opinions. They are saying your opinions, not trying to shut you up. Just because they are saying their opinions, does not mean that they don't care about what you say. Not everyone is going to agree with what you are saying. Everyone has their own opinion, and they are entitled to it.
well maybe thats because its a touchy subject but they dont care, my uncles friends brother had dogs and of course he said I own those pieces of... well you know so he beat them, cops down there said they didnt care cause we own pets so its not a big deal, he ended up killing one of the dogs by beating it to death, I liked this dog to, used to see it almost everyday in the summers so now you know why its a touchy subject its just people dont care to hear me out before trying to shut me up
unless you know exactly what your talking about, then dont go acting all high and mighty like you do know, this is a story from a friend of a relative of something to do with the police and someones dogs,
animal control deals with animals, and ANY sign of abuse the animals are taken away, even from not having water the animal can be taken off of you, im not going into this story about a guy killing his dog because some people are like that, and it doesnt happen just because the word 'owned' comes into the story...AT ALL if abuse is happening, wether you own the pet or not doesnt enter the equasion.
You have made your point..again...and again...and again...and your now twisting peoples words so make your point be the only valid one when it is FAR from it.
Lets leave it to the experts ok?
Ok so this is a touchy subject for you. Our members have touchy issues too, sakura is touchy about anyone acting like she doesn't care for the animals she is around every day whom she would do anything for. We're all touchy about something. But everything I've seen you post is you from your perspective not trying to get along not trying to compromise not allowing people to disagree, you are being so incredibly... you are only seeing your perspective in SO many ways. It sounds like you have alot of hurt inside you over some things, we can work with this if you'll work with us. You can't just start being confrontational and expect no one to get mad or hurt. So please, please try to not take such offense to things. No one here is trying to offend you.
I understand that, thank you for talking to me like Im not stupid, I appreciate that, it started out as me saying I dont consider my cat as my pet I "own" and I got told Im a slave to my cat, thats offensive, I didnt mean it to sound like she didnt care for those animals, hell she probably loves them for all I know but I was offended but if I offended her then Im sorry but that doesnt make it ok to talk to me that way
I had no idea this thread would go in this direction...
Well, that's how it goes when someone can't have a proper and reasonable discussion.[DOUBLEPOST=1367302565,1367302521][/DOUBLEPOST]
I understand that, thank you for talking to me like Im not stupid, I appreciate that, it started out as me saying I dont consider my cat as my pet I "own" and I got told Im a slave to my cat, thats offensive, I didnt mean it to sound like she didnt care for those animals, hell she probably loves them for all I know but I was offended but if I offended her then Im sorry but that doesnt make it ok to talk to me that way
She never said you were your cat's slave! Learn how to read.
unless you know exactly what your talking about, then dont go acting all high and mighty like you do know, this is a story from a friend of a relative of something to do with the police and someones dogs,
animal control deals with animals, and ANY sign of abuse the animals are taken away, even from not having water the animal can be taken off of you, im not going into this story about a guy killing his dog because some people are like that, and it doesnt happen just because the word 'owned' comes into the story...AT ALL if abuse is happening, wether you own the pet or not doesnt enter the equasion.
You have made your point..again...and again...and again...and your now twisting peoples words so make your point be the only valid one when it is FAR from it.
Lets leave it to the experts ok?
I never said you dont care about the animals you take care of so I dont know why I was told Im a slave to my cat, that was rude and uncalled for
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