You know when you're a dog owner when...

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I think you are taking the word "owned" a little bit too serious lol. It's just a way of saying that you have one.
well maybe thats because its a touchy subject but they dont care, my uncles friends brother had dogs and of course he said I own those pieces of... well you know so he beat them, cops down there said they didnt care cause we own pets so its not a big deal, he ended up killing one of the dogs by beating it to death, I liked this dog to, used to see it almost everyday in the summers so now you know why its a touchy subject its just people dont care to hear me out before trying to shut me up
No problem :) I say there should be pet licenses. Without a license: No pet.
iv thought about this tonnes of times,
and special breeding things like you need a licence to breed your animals, otherwise all animals should be neutured, then it stops all the pets in the pound and dog shelters that breed and no one wants, and terrible inbred animals that are deformed and all horrible things, i think that needs to happen, only licenced breeders, and licenced people should have pets, but yano...some people cant be reasoned with
And I quote myself:

Pearl said:
You OWN your pet. You are the pet's MASTER and BOSS. This doesn't mean you are disrespectful towards your animal. If you're not the BOSS of your pet, you should not have an animal.
ok stop replying to my comments please
Fun fact, some parts of LA actually have something like this. You have to get all your pets licensed, if you want to legally have them in your home.
The pets should not be licenses. HUMANS should. The only problem in this world are the humans.[DOUBLEPOST=1367302255,1367302240][/DOUBLEPOST]
ok stop replying to my comments please
Like I said to Sakura's post, apologize.
iv thought about this tonnes of times,
and special breeding things like you need a licence to breed your animals, otherwise all animals should be neutured, then it stops all the pets in the pound and dog shelters that breed and no one wants, and terrible inbred animals that are deformed and all horrible things, i think that needs to happen, only licenced breeders, and licenced people should have pets, but yano...some people cant be reasoned with
True. Ah, I wish this were to happen one day!
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