Voice Acting WWE Voice Actors- Needed For Series

Hi guys, I'm hoping to make a weekly series on WWE 2K16, where I book my version of WWE on Universe Mode. To make the experience more real (and so it's not just my boring voice all the time) I'm looking for some voice actors to play a variety of superstars in WWE. Voices I most need are:
John Cena
Roman Reigns
Dean Ambrose
Seth Rollins
Chris Jericho
Bray Wyatt

If you think you can do a decent voice for any WWE superstar (or diva), past or present, let me know, and I just may have the role for you!
Requirements will vary from character to character, but the only real requirements for everyone is having a decent recording device, and to have fun (that sounds very cheesy).

If you can help, email me at theshipyardclub@gmail.com