Would This New Channel Idea For Let's Plays Be A Good Idea?

Sounds interesting!

But you'd have to think about each others time and schedules. you can't just record at will, whenever, you'd have to make sure each other are available.

Yeah, that's the one issue I'm worried about regarding big projects. My schedule is flexible, so I'm usually available whenever someone else is. It's more so their schedule, so the biggest problem is working with people from another country. But I'm trying to work out these kinks!
Okay, so I just want some advice on whether or not you guys would find this entertaining. I've had the idea of making my channel a co-op channel, but for solo Let's Plays. As in, I play some game by myself (Wind Waker, Last of Us, etc.), but have a co-commentator with me the whole series. The catch is, the commentator will not be the same for every series. Each series will feature someone new. Of course, I'll have some recurring guests, but there'll be a variety of people. Would you guys think this would be an idea that works?
That seems really tricky. Part of commentating solo games is that you know exactly what you are thinking, and you are in the best position to explain exactly what you are doing, or what it is bringing to mind. If you have a powerful and entertaining personality then one person should be enough.

Introducing additional people can be difficult - and not just for the issue of scheduling time. Are you planning to be commentating together locally at the same time? Or will they instead get the footage when you are done and record over it? Will they be lacking any relevant knowledge that you get from playing the game in order to be able to provide accurate commentary (speaking to the mechanics of movement and control for example). If you keep swapping individuals, will they all be entertaining? So many questions to consider, and I'm sure there are even more.
That seems really tricky. Part of commentating solo games is that you know exactly what you are thinking, and you are in the best position to explain exactly what you are doing, or what it is bringing to mind. If you have a powerful and entertaining personality then one person should be enough.

Introducing additional people can be difficult - and not just for the issue of scheduling time. Are you planning to be commentating together locally at the same time? Or will they instead get the footage when you are done and record over it? Will they be lacking any relevant knowledge that you get from playing the game in order to be able to provide accurate commentary (speaking to the mechanics of movement and control for example). If you keep swapping individuals, will they all be entertaining? So many questions to consider, and I'm sure there are even more.

You bring up good points. My biggest concern is probably your last one, but since I plan on switching people from series to series, I try to plan accordingly. If I'm working with somebody that I know I have extremely good chemistry with, I'll pair them with a longer, more mainstream series. But if I'm working with somebody that I'm not 100% sure will be totally compatible, I'll usually do a 3-5 part series, since, if that series sucks, it's over in under a week and it can be forgotten about. It's not the most foolproof plan, but I think it should help with that problem.

As far as the other stuff, I'm not too concerned with that. When it comes to commentary, I like to discuss topics that relate to the game, but not the game directly. So I'll probably explain the controls fairly early on, and then say, for example, "this game reminds me of this", and then they'll be like "oh yeah, I remember that back a few years ago" and so on. So there's no prior knowledge they'll need to have. It''s just my personal opinion, but any commentators that spend too long talking about controls, probably aren't going to be very entertaining, unless the controls are SUPER bad. That's a topic that should last for like a minute.
I could be a guest if you want, i'm currently a lets player on youtube, struggling to get past the 100 subs milestone, lol.