Would love feedback on how I come across on camera


Well-Known Member
I made my first YouTube video where I talk about some fun scientific facts of cuttlefish. I'm trying to improve my communication skills, so I'd love to hear your opinion of:
> How do I come across on camera?

Some people told me they thought I spoke a bit fast which I thought was normal on YouTube.
Any other additional comments and feedback would be a plus, but particularly I'm interested in how I can be as engaging as possible - I don't have much practice talking in front of a camera and I'm aware I might come across a bit unnatural.

Thanks in advance! :)

Your intro is very cute awe. And I love your accident. You come across maybe a little awkward, try zooming in a little and getting a solid background (get rid of the edges so you only see your wall). You do look a little unnatural though, watch DNews and try to pickup on their motions, it's hard to explain honestly.
Your intro is very cute awe. And I love your accident. You come across maybe a little awkward, try zooming in a little and getting a solid background (get rid of the edges so you only see your wall). You do look a little unnatural though, watch DNews and try to pickup on their motions, it's hard to explain honestly.
Thank you very much for taking the time to write some feedback! :)

I bought a new lens that does a bit more cropping and nicer shots, so I'm hoping that will sort out the background issues.
I agree that I probably do seem a bit awkward - I'm quite shy and don't have as much practice as I wish I had in front of the camera (though ironically I always cringe a little at some of DNews' productions, but that might be because they did terrible coverage of some research done in my lab. I'd love to try and come across as naturally as Emilie from the BrainScoop, or Jake Roper from VSauce3) - so I'll work on that too. TYSM again!