Would like opinions on my branding/channel


YTtalk Mad
Hey guys!
Just wondering if I could get an opinion on my channel art and branding.
Would appreciate any feedback I get and criticism is appreciated if it's constructive. Specifically looking for opinions on the logo, channel banner, intro and channel trailer.

Thanks in advance,
Hey, just found this thread. Had a few pointers for you and your gaming channel.

The channel banner could be better. Maybe pay someone with experience to create a new logo and banner for you, shouldn't be too expensive. If you know the channel JeromeASF, his channel branding is pretty good!
That's what his looks like, besides the fact that I think a name should be there.
As for the intro I think that you could do with a 5 second intro that is a tad higher quality and a bit more professional than the one that you have now.
The trailer itself could use some voice over talking about what your channel does.

I hope I could be of some help!


Jordan K
Hey, thanks for that, it's really helpful. I appreciate the time you took to analyse it, and I'll use your advice wisely :)