Windows 7 thinks my Blue Yeti is a Speaker?

In that case the next step to troubleshooting a non responsive mic is to make sure that you have all the current drivers installed. Go to their website and download necessary drivers and see if it shows up, if it still doesn't you can try different usb ports. Switch from usb 3.0 to 2.0 and also check your device manager to make sure all your ports are working accordingly.

Im actually off to bed so I hope one of these help you!

I tried that already, but failed because the installer couldn't see the mic at all. However good news ... after many times unplugging/re-plugging I finally got Windows to see the error of it's ways and it's all working properly again (well except now my intro file is corrupted, but that's another story ... *sigh*)
I've been using the Blue Yeti fine for weeks, but I had to reboot today, and now it thinks it's a speaker (and therefore Premiere Pro thinks it's a speaker) and so I'm getting no sound from Premiere Pro and I can't record any voice overs in Premiere Pro.
Well I used 7 for a while before switching to Ubuntu Linux but I still know a fair bit from it. First off, Go to your start menu and type in Sound, then when the window pops up go into recording make sure your microphone bit hasn't been disabled, if you can't see it right click on the window and click show disabled devices, THEN make sure it hasn't been disabled. Hopefully this helps! :) BTW I use a Blue Yeti as well.
Well I used 7 for a while before switching to Ubuntu Linux but I still know a fair bit from it. First off, Go to your start menu and type in Sound, then when the window pops up go into recording make sure your microphone bit hasn't been disabled, if you can't see it right click on the window and click show disabled devices, THEN make sure it hasn't been disabled. Hopefully this helps! :) BTW I use a Blue Yeti as well.
Thanks - I posted that last June. It's long been fixed now. :p