Will People Be Offended With This?


Loving YTtalk
I wanted to make an unbiased video on the sensitive topic of Israel. What's going on, a brief history and how we can help, like many youtubers I will have good intention, but like many videos someone will get offended, how can I ensure myself and the community I am being unbiased?
You will not be unbiased.
There is no way to be unbiased with this topic unless you simply list out "facts" that have been listed by biased news sources.
History is also biased, being written by the winners and all.
How you can help will be biased, as you will be targeting a group of people in need. I would say that we need to support refugees that are staying in the Gaza area. That's already biased.

But what you CAN do is ignore all this. Screw everyone that says otherwise and just speak your idea. You don't need to be unbiased on the internet.
You would be boring if you were unbiased.

Hope you have fun with the video.
You will not be unbiased.
There is no way to be unbiased with this topic unless you simply list out "facts" that have been listed by biased news sources.
History is also biased, being written by the winners and all.
How you can help will be biased, as you will be targeting a group of people in need. I would say that we need to support refugees that are staying in the Gaza area. That's already biased.

But what you CAN do is ignore all this. Screw everyone that says otherwise and just speak your idea. You don't need to be unbiased on the internet.
You would be boring if you were unbiased.

Hope you have fun with the video.

Why aren't you a motivational speaker? haha that was perfect!
It doesn't matter what you say, someone always gets butt hurt over it.

I was thinking of making a video saying 'Hey Israel, Suck my d**k man'

Then anyone who gets butt hurt over it I will also ask them to smd
Dude I made a video just saying that it was unfair to compare christians believing in the bible to people who believe in fairy tales. I wasn't preaching about Jesus or trying to convert anyone to anything, I was only tackling one specific (and rather obvious if you ask me) point that belief in fairy tales is in no way comparable to belief in the bible when the bible is presented as being rooted in history and is so widely believed which fairy tales are not and that people who believe in science still read things they didn't witness and believe them too. Nothing about it being true, just "that's an unfair comparison" that's it.

I got into a 2 day long debate with a dude trying to say that my video came off like I was saying "science is stupid, religion is awesome" who was sarcastic and rude and not even making sense or even making arguments with much of a point. What I'm trying to say, is no matter what you put in that video, because of the SUBJECT matter, people hear "buzz words" like Isreal, Christian, Muslim, and become ready to get offended no matter what you say to the point that they will just decide what your video says without even listening.

Therefore, @UltimateKirbyBoi is right. You will offend people, but those people are idiots, so who cares.
Should I disable ratings and comments or just ratings or just comments?
Only if you can't take the heat. Those bad comments and ratings still boost your visibility, so if you're strong enough just let the hate come, but if you aren't strong enough, if it's gonna cause you to avoid looking at your comments or feel alot of anxiety, yeah disable them, some people will not like you for it but you'll feel much less on edge.