Will I reach 100 subs by end of year?

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Don't give up, keep at it and you will grow your audience. Reach out to people who share similar interests to collaborate with and try to stay consistent. You can do it!
Don't give up, keep at it and you will grow your audience. Reach out to people who share similar interests to collaborate with and try to stay consistent. You can do it!
Thanks :) I try to put 1 video every week. Sometimes I just feel disheartened... But, I don't think I will be giving up..
That is a goo times I posted it didn't d rate especially at the beginning, depending how how much time you put into editing. A big chunk of it is marketing yourself and the videos to get out there. I found that the majority of times I posted places it didn't even get seen by most people. Also don't be afraid to straight up ask people to sub.
It depends on you. Just keep uploading, sharing and most importantly have fun with your videos. YouTube is supposed to be fun and I feel that a lot of people forget about that.
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