Lilikoi Juice
I do all my own graphics!
Everyone does Minecraft but what sets it apart is the quality and content. Another thing is that it is harder to get noticed for your videos because there are so many people doing the same type of thing.
Hey guys I just wanted to talk about my opinion on minecraft videos. Minecraft videos are just getting more and more popular and most of the big youtubers already made videos about it. That makes it really hard to have lets plays and stuff popular. That does not mean that no one should make minecraft videos, I think that if you add originality to your videos (Cinematics, Advanced Tutorials, ETC) and you promote it right it will add attention to it. Like I said doing a basic lets play or mod spotlight wont work because it has been done so many times. Well that is my opinion, let me know what you guys think!
Let's be honest, tutorials are really not a good way to get subscribers (or atleast active ones) tutorials are a one-time thing unless you come up with very unique redstone complex hypersutemonesncetromentice designs FTW
It's just an easy way to get views and i dont enjoy them really. However you're completely right on the let's play part... Nobody is scrolling down 100,000 pages to view your video! - My channel is getting a decent 40-50 views a video and i love it!
Too many people do JUST Mnecraft now. Then they just post the videos and walk away without trying to spread the word, just expecting to get noticed.