Why do people bad mouth freedom so much?

They know about this. George, the CEO, keeps telling people not to spam, be polite, don't beg, etc. I think most of them are kids, thus the nonsense. I strongly disagree with this practice as well. Spammer should be reported on the Freedom forums or to moderators on social media.
Well they are Freedom's representatives, its not like they do it on their own, they hired them and it shows how unprofessional their staff is.
Since I'm with Freedom, I will be honest. They aren't bad, but they definitely have flaws that need to be fixed ect. They do mislead some stuff when they post a video or something, which I don't like. I joined them 7 months ago and yeah, they have been helpful, but they don't actually help your channel grow. You gotta do it yourself, and definitely don't expect to get your views from their forums either because nobody really looks at your threads... thats my experience however, it could be different for others, but because it seems like almost everyone who joins Freedom is only there for themselves and don't give back to help other members ect. I mean heck, even when you post in the milestone section, nobody really bothers to say anything. I got 3 replies out of all the views my post got when I hit 1k subs, while when I posted here for an example, I got tons of replies... which was awesome :)

But anyway... if you're just starting out like me, sure Freedom will be OK to use as a network, but after a while it's best to find another who actually keeps their promises, don't mislead you ect. If I was able to join another network, I'd leave Freedom.
Ok, my new thought on freedom is the networks that are associated with them are just money hungry, They told me they had exclusive free to use music and sent me a link to audio pad which is free to use for everyone. Freedom itself has some benefits but there are enough people offering the same kind of stuff for free or not associated with any network that once you learn the ends and outs after about a week there is really no reason to stay in the network. The good thing about freedom is there is no lock in contract.
I have only been partnered with them for about a week but I kind of agree they seem like a trap as a lot of dashboard features are in beta and don't work but at least theres no lock in contract so you can just leave at any time. When I had a question support answered me very quickly. I really think they need to enforce a view requirement or sub requirement because I see a lot of channels where might not even have any videos or very few and have like less than 1000 total views. I will have to wait and see how freedom turns out for me in the next few months.
I have only been partnered with them for about a week but I kind of agree they seem like a trap as a lot of dashboard features are in beta and don't work but at least theres no lock in contract so you can just leave at any time. When I had a question support answered me very quickly. I really think they need to enforce a view requirement or sub requirement because I see a lot of channels where might not even have any videos or very few and have like less than 1000 total views. I will have to wait and see how freedom turns out for me in the next few months.

My Experience with Freedom is also Similar like you. Dashboard features of freedom networks is just like a bald man having 1 or 2 hair (Sorry about my English, as I am not a Native English speaker). Nothing is working on Freedom Dashboard. Poor Support team of freedom network, they have always same answer... Sorry this feature is in Beta and we are trying to make it better.
I just hope the staff they hire in the Philippines will improve what you guys mentioned. Currently Freedom is #1 (most members) and 7th subscribers wise. Therefore these shortcomings are not acceptable from my point of view. Anyone who wants to partner with Freedom ask around first and then decide if this MCN is for you. As for their support : I think they need some serious staff. Not just some come and go people or youngsters who found a better hobby. I'm sure there are some great guys, who work hard keeping Freedom where it is today, but they need more people like that. In fact George launched an open invitation to anyone wanting to work in the Philippines.
George is a liar by heart, anyone remember what he did to TGN?
  • They take way too long to give our profits and some people don't even get theirs.
  • Their split is not worth it
  • They do not offer anything
  • They focus more on a "Schools" channel than actively progressing with YouTubers
  • and much more
I'm currently requesting to unlink from Freedom! My channel has grown, but that's mostly due to myself not them. These 30 days need to hurry up.
fuu, ok, I was searching for some network and I selected freedom as an option, good to know is not so trusted