Why did you start?

I started YouTube because I have a passion for filming and acting. My cousin and I have been making homemade videos for quite a while, and I wanted to put them out there for the public. It's become an excellent hobby.
I made videos cos I got things to say innit! Nah I used it as an opportunity to help my confidence. If I can talk to an audience, then surely I can talk to people!
I mainly do it so people can actually see how i really am, well at least a little bit how i am. Also, its something good to do just to pass time especially when you have nothing to on some days. Just get the camera and record.
To be honest, I started because I was bored haha. I reached a point where playing games wasn't enough and I thought that making videos and commentaries would provide some much needed entertainment. So far so good.
I started after seeing all these gamers on YouTube. They were having fun and getting paid for what they love to do. I just thought why not try it and now I'm in it for the long run.