Why are my videos like 4GB?

You need to convert it to mp4 (H264). The reason it's so big is because it's a lossless raw file.

It will only be in raw if you set your camera to record raw, otherwise the 600D records compressed video.[DOUBLEPOST=1376743978,1376743929][/DOUBLEPOST]
I film on my Canon 600D in full 1080p. Is it normal for the file size to be that big?
Roughly 10 minute video...

That's fairly normal, is that after rendering?
I think it's because of your camera. Mine's a decent HD camera but by the time I'm done editing and whatnot, it's only like 60mb lol
It is. I shoot on the American equivalent the 60D, and my footage can be around 8-10 gigs.

If the raw footage is too much for your computer to work with, you can use a free converter to get the size down. (It's what I do) First, google "MPEG Streamclip" and download the version that works best for your computer (mac or PC).

After it's installed, open the file you want to convert with MPEG Streamclip and export as MPEG-4 (Youtube LOVES these).

In the adjusting window crank the quality to 100% and then (and this is important) click the "limit data rate" button and type in 12000 Kbps

This should give you a great playing video with no loss of picture or sound that's roughly 100 MB per minute! That's a LOT easier to use.
Hmm... yeah I think that's about right for a raw file size. It should lower quite a bit once you redner though.