Gaming Who like Minecraf?

I'm looking for a regular Minecraft collaborator to do a bunch of various things from survival(I have one in the works right now) to roleplays, to basically having fun playing mini games.
Requirements: Please no one under 14 and be a nice person. No one likes a douche.

If you want to see my channel just search Optimisticshyguy and it should pop right up :)
hey you misspelled Minecraft[DOUBLEPOST=1477103678,1477103305][/DOUBLEPOST]Triggered much?
He's more than likely following the dead trend that the YTer SkyDoesMinecraft created where he says "Who like Minecraf" purposely leaving out the T. Then again you might know this or not so I'm just going to put it out there I'm not trying to be rude or anything.
No, you're right Phoenix. I was using the dead trend as a way to catch the eyes of people who play Minecraft. If they watched Sky then they would have at least looked at the post.