Who Is Your Favorite And Least Favorite Youtuber?

Favourite: JTAphotographs (If I'm not allowed to choose myself) :p
Least Favourite: Anyone who can get away with posting a video every month+ with a length of 2-3minutes and still have hundreds of thousands of subscribers! :mad:
Ray William Johnson and Annoying orange became from most favorite to least favorite. RWJ only keeps stealing funny videos and Orange has a great potential, but the episodes became so boring and not funny anymore.
My Fav has to be " WingsofRedemption " The guy is a Class Act and I can relate to him.

My Least ChrisPy His voice winds me up.
My favourite has gotta be this guy called chimneyswift (awesome :D )
My least favourite... It's kinda hard but For some reason I just can't stand Ray William Johnson :O
Too many good ones out there... but one of the top is gotta be David So.
He's just something else.
Also probably because he's Korean like me.
Korean pride, baby.

Least favourite... too many too mention as well.
But I don't like being negative so I choose not to say.
If i had to pick one 'favourite' it would be Mr. Greg Benson - Mediocre Films :D Love the man, such an ispiration as well as a brilliant actor. Speaking of which I can't not mention Cory Williams - SMPfilms/DudeLikeHella and Kate - Katersoneseven/Katers17. Amazing people :D

I don't really have a least favourite to be honest.
Totalhalibut/Totalbiscuit is my favorite YouTube channel. I don't really dis like any channels now that i think about it.