Well I'm a paranormal investigator and what inspired me was the TV programs, yes.. I wanted to DISPROVE them, so I started off having some fun at a local cemetery by recording complete silence, when I played it back though a small child laughed but no one was there and it was 11pm at night so no children was around anyways, and ever since then I have been wanted to capture more of these unknown voices, with success may I add! Also some personal things that have happened to me over the years that I can't explain xx You might not be into what I like but I thought I would answer you anywaysI'm very curious to see what people post to this as a persons content usually somewhat resembles the youtuber who inspired them. I'm looking forward to seeing maybe some interesting answers as not all of us are inspired by the YouTube "legends".
I myself was inspired by PeanutButterGamer. Who inspired you?
I was inspired by MasaeAnela
God, those tv-shows regarding paranormal stuff were just rigged like hell and fake ;-;.Well I'm a paranormal investigator and what inspired me was the TV programs, yes.. I wanted to DISPROVE them, so I started off having some fun at a local cemetery by recording complete silence, when I played it back though a small child laughed but no one was there and it was 11pm at night so no children was around anyways, and ever since then I have been wanted to capture more of these unknown voices, with success may I add! Also some personal things that have happened to me over the years that I can't explain xx You might not be into what I like but I thought I would answer you anywaysxxxxxxxx
Thanks!Wow, I checked out your channel. I enjoy it very much, defiantly one of the better unknown channels out there. Keep it up!