which youtube mcn should I join


You wouldn't happen to be trying to submit a Photo Voter ID instead of a full Passport or National ID card Issued by the government of your country, would you? PVIDs will not count as standalone identification in most cases.

Also if you fail Identity Verification, and AdSense disables ad serving on your videos, I doubt seriously an MCN will accept your channel until it proven to be serving ads again.
Ads is running in MY accourt and Adsense is link to acct, so i can join an mcn but which one, don't if thé do thé following 40/60 30/70 80/100 etc too much earn often make people fail in life, which mcn still in good mood now, i tried to apply for freedom but thé rejjected my'request because of 2, copyright contents in MY channel and thé ask me to adjust MY channel and i did so, and Côme back after 3-6,months i need an mcn, you dont know thé problèm. Face with Adsense only God knows
Yes unfortunately I do know some of the problem!

I happen to be one of the Google Product Experts who sits on the YouTube Help Community. As such, I also know that if you have copyright claims against your videos, NO MCN is going to accept you; and your monetization itself will eventually stop unless you get rid of those videos.

YouTube is currently reviewing all current YPP members; and channels are being demonetized daily.

So yes; you are indeed looking at getting rid of any problem contents, and then looking at an MCN in 3-6 months, as Freedom has said.

1. You will not get into an MCN with your channel as it is now, and

2. Unless you correct your issues, getting money out of AdSense will soon no longer matter, as your channel will be demonetized by YouTube.

There are all sorts of issues here on: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvFfUAlumVmejqig541Holg

1. "Modding" of Android Apps, which unless authorized by the devs would fall under "hacking and cracking content" which is a severe Community Guidelines violation

2. Computer-generated voices reading copyrighted news stories from web sites accompanied by copyrighted image slideshows

3. Stolen WWE content

4. Utility theft (How to get free internet - 100% works!)

5. Non-commercial use demos used to create videos

6. Tags in video descriptions; another severe Community Guidelines violation

No...you are never going to get into an MCN as under current rules none of your content is even monetizable. I am surprised YouTube hasn't demonetized your channel yet; but wait, and it will happen.
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Please all this is true MY channel adherers all what you Saïd inbox me on WHATSAPP lets help me prevent this please help lets prevent it +234 08232522739
I'm sorry; but WhatsApp is a mobile phone application, and I don't use mobile phones. The only way to save your channel from being demonetized, is to take down one video at a time, and replace it with monetizable content. Here is the YPP Policy Set, and the What Kinds Of Content Can I Monetize? article from YouTube Help to help you get started.



I'd also suggest removing your WhatsApp number to avoid calls from people you don't know. This is a Public Forum whose results are visible through Google Search.