Where to find intro music and sound effects?

Another vote for Incomtech here. Loads of stuff and really easy to use, don't forget to credit them though.

I bought mine... I hate making things for myself, I'm never satisfied with it.

If you've got a bit of money you could spend, Audio Jungle is fairly cheap and there's tones on there. I would always try the free sites first, however.
Incomptech (I probably spelt that wrong) has some nice beats that are free and they got different styles (dubstep,hip-hop,rock, ect)
So yeah is they any good places to find sound effects for stuff like text zooming in and text coming in from the side, I have been on youtube sound effects in the audio part and they're were just stuff like doors closing, thanks.
I have built up a sound effects library over time from making my own and downloading sound libraries from all over. If you are looking for gun sound effects and such, try and download the sound libraries from Counter Strike and Fallout 3/ New Vegas.

If you are looking for the likes of Foley (footsteps, background noise, etc) look up "Voice Acting Alliance SFX library" and it will have everything you could ever need :)
Search sound effects on YouTube, there's some great stuff on there you could use :D
Partnersinrhyme.com is also a great website to get sound effects
There are some great suggestions here that I had not heard of. I use Sony Movie Studio Suite 13 and it gives you a loop and sound library, roughly 1000 sound effects. It also gives you a free download of a music library of your choice! It's pretty good. I will also check out some of the suggestions here as well!